We were born to parents who loved going out to see new places whenever they got a chance and savor experiences, so the travel bug has been in them since their childhood. 

Today, we create memories of places together.

 Whether it's backpacking or staying at a boutique hotel where we stay is dependent on the location for their views and their proximity to the activities that we are interested in doing, whether shooting dramatic scenes or being in the serene sounds of nature or animals. 

Also, we truly believe that “there is no bad weather, only bad gear” and since we have been roaming together since 2011, having visited 55 of 63 national parks of USA and crossed  the Arctic circle, cruised on the Peruvian Amazon, birdwatched in the jungles of central India, Yucatan and the african Savannah we have accumulated a good collection of clothes and gear to take us through all kinds of climates. 

Since both of us have full time jobs, time management is very crucial to us. We make an effort to maximize our experiences along with photography so that we can explore the area long enough and not just make a quick stop at the scenic lookouts. Having realized that weather, season and time of the day changes the whole perspective of a place, we constantly keep going back to places. We seek to be involved in the wonders of nature unique to the location. Not only that, we love to try new cuisines native to the place.